Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dinghy Lift

This week I replaced the dinghy lift lines. The old ones were at least 11 years old, so it was time! Tomorrow we are taking the liferaft off the deck to be serviced by USA Services. The plan for the weekend is to attend to some odds and ends: replace fuel filters, purge the side tanks of antifreeze and run some water through. (We only de-winterize one of the three tanks for cruising around the Bay, but with a full crew we will want as much water aboard as possible. It's nice to take a shower once in a while...) We also hope to sail with our out-of-town company... which will be a good time to try out the new autopilot.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This summer we are planning a trip up to Cape Cod, on a quest to watch whales in their summer range. We are busy preparing Silence for the trip. Lot's of maintenance, checking safety gear, and spring cleaning...