Sunday, August 02, 2009

More Pictures

For still more pictures, check out Frank's website:

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We arrived in Annapolis and came through on the 2:00 bridge opening. It feels great to be home. We are going to get the boat squared away, have a drink, and then go home to take a really long shower.

Cocktail hour

Suzan and I will be having cocktails at the dock this afternoon, around 5:00. We still have some vodka, but we have drunk all of the rum. Anyone reading this is welcome to join us. We will post a more precise time when we gat close...

Homeward Bound

This morning we are motoring south, headed to Annapolis. We have light winds and flat seas.

When you go away for this long it's like having a second life. For a month we have made a life onboard Silence. We are looking forward to getting back to our first life, but we will miss this one. You only get to live one life at a time, unfortunately.