Saturday, December 11, 2010

From the logbook, July 3rd, 2003

Today is what all of us envisioned when we decided to take this journey. We have been sailing since 1:30 AM. The wind is blowing at about 12 knots.

Later, the breeze picked up. This is fine sailing, 10-15 knots of wind, close reaching, clear, blue skies, tropical clouds, calm seas.

Spirits are up as we anticipate landfall in two days with this breeze. We positioned ourselves well on the ocean to avoid stronger winds further north. The price of admission to this ride was the motoring of the last several days, and lying ahull to conserve fuel, drifting last night. Now we're sailing directly to Bermuda, our speed varying from 5-7 knots.

Dirt Dwelling

Silence was hauled out of the water this week, and she is sitting on the hard for the winter.