Sunday, February 10, 2013

Propane Locker Complete!

The construction of the propane locker is complete. Over the weekend we trimmed the lid and rounded the corners with a router and then did final sanding down to 320 grit. The first coat of Armada has been applied in the bottom picture, bringing out the grain of the teak. More coats to come!

Monday, February 04, 2013

Adding the 5th Side!

The lid is built, now we are glueing it on with epoxy. The whole box will be attached to the deck with two draw latches, so that it can be removed for access to the propane tank, and I can take the whole box home for varnishing each winter...

Sunday, February 03, 2013

It's three-dimensional!

It's taken a long while, but two weeks ago we finished the sides of the Propane Locker. Check out the joint that we used to get a nice clean corner on the box. This profile was produced with a specialized router bit. It took a bit of work to understand how to adjust the height and depth, but the results are worth all the work. Since these pictures were taken, we have constructed the panels for the top of the box, and begun crafting the wood parts that will go inside to support the propane tank.