Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun Shades

The new sun shades for the bimini arrived yesterday. These will make sunsets in the cockpit much more enjoyable! We had these designed so that they just zip onto the bimini, so it will be convenient to take them on and off as needed.

Liferaft Cradle

We completed the installation of the liferaft cradle yesterday. It's always "fun" to drill new holes in the boat! We'll put the liferaft into the cradle just before we depart.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Sunset at Anchor


We had a nice dinner at sunset last evening...

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Bunks are Made

The bunks are made, and we're ready to start sleeping aboard. Now we just need to pick an evening to go anchor out somewhere...

New Galley Faucet

Yesterday's project was installing a new faucet in the galley. The old one had started leaking, and it will be nice to have one with a spray attachment.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Fuel Backflow

I'm still chasing a problem where the fuel drains out of the fuel filter when the engine is stopped. This is the fuel filter 24 hours after running the engine. You can see that the fuel has drained about half way down the bowl, to the pickup point for the fuel filter. I've engaged with a diesel mechanic to help me find the cure for this. This isn't a huge problem, more of an inconvenience really. But, it's the one thing that is preventing the engine from being reliable, so I really want to get to a solution.