Monday, November 01, 2004

We sailed our last sail of the season yesterday. It was a perfect day, with 70 degrees, plenty of sunshine and plenty of wind (15 knots from the SW). Silence stormed out of the harbor on a starboard beam reach, then we hardened up and worked our way down to Thomas Point Light. We sailed rail-down for an hour or so. Then we tacked over to port and sailed easily back into the Severn River, up to the Naval Academy where the 150 year old Constellation was temporarily berthed. The sun was low in the sky, backlighting her rigging and glinting off the water.

Finally, we struck and lowered the sails, to be folded and stored for the winter below decks. Back at the dock, we made a toast to a great sailing season, and appealed to the sailing gods for a short winter.

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