Tuesday, June 02, 2009

In Mast Furler Problem

A few weeks ago we noticed that our electric furler for the main sail was only working in one direction. Last weekend I checked the control switch, which turns out to be working fine. Next I checked the control box to see if I could hear the solenoids clicking. I only hear the click when we actuate the system in one direction. Next, I opened up the control box, and traced the problem to a potted board which accepts the signal from the switch, performs load limiting, and sends the signal to the solenoids. This system is about 25 years old, from Hood which is no longer in the furler business. Getting a part is pretty unlikely, so I am looking into a way to just drive the solenoid directly from the switch. The only issue is that we have to be careful to avoid overloading the system, because there won't be any protection.

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