Thursday, July 09, 2009

Details of the Tuesday Blow

For those who might be interested I will give some recollections of
the blow that we experienced on Tuesday. The forecast on Monday as we
rounded Cape May was for light winds for 4-d days. We thought that we
might end up motoring all the way due to the light winds.

We set sail in a light breeze and were making 3 to 4 knots. Later the
winds filled in and we were making a solid 5 to 6 knots of boatspeed,
beam reaching in a mild swell. All through Monday night we could see
the lights of the cities of NJ as we made our way up the coast. With a
full moon and clear skies this was great sailing. Atlantic City was
beautiful in the early hours of Tuesday, with a slight haze to diffuse
it's hard edges.

Dawn on Tuesday and we were all feeling great about our sail and our
progress. The winds were steady and we were making 6-7 knots. We
checked the forecast from NOAA and the predictions were for 5-10 from
the south. By noon we were seeing 15 or so knots and were touching 8
knots of boatspeed. We started talking about plans to reef.
(To be continued)

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