Thursday, May 19, 2011

In the Gulfstream

Our radio contact didn't work out, but I received the following email from Dale:

"Hi Emerson!! Len was unable to reach you with the radio and so called me on the satellite phone. They are all doing just fine and are motoring in the gulf stream at 9 knots. The water temperature is 81, but the air is cold. A small squall is coming and they are all preparing right now. They enjoyed Susan’s Turkey Tetrazzini and just LOVED it. At their currant speed their ETA is 6am on Sunday."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Querolo family and your horses send our best to Len and the crew of Indian Summer. We wish for you blue sky above and blue Bermuda water below! God Speed.
Marylee Q. - Adler Barn Mgr.