Thursday, June 02, 2011

One last time

Hello all bloggers!
Tonight we could hear each other pretty well.  One thing I know for sure is that Emerson has converted the crew and me into SSB believers.  I was the most dubious but I am thrilled to have made contact with the crew when they are as far as 600 miles off shore!
So, here is the report from the crew on Indian Summer. All is well with the crew.  They had a beautiful night's sail with winds from the SW at 10-15 knots.  Early in the morning something happened and they lost a ring or pin or something (could not hear what) that held the Jib at the top of the mast.  They had to strike the jib and do not have use of it until they can get some help in Norfolk.  They are motor sailing until then.  They are about 110 miles away from Norfolk. Their Lat. is 36 N and Long.73 W.  Their plan, as it stands now, is that they will stop in Norfolk Friday sometime to see if they can fix the jib and then continue.  They do not plan to spend the night as was discussed earlier.  Emerson talked about some rough seas as they entered the jet stream but nothing Indian Summer couldn't handle.
Tomorrow they will be within cell phone range so this is my last contact via SSB.  Emerson described their nightly contact with me like boys around a camp fire. They gather and wait.  It is wonderful how the simplest of things entertain, when you are in the middle of the deep blue sea.
Thanks for reading

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