Thursday, January 26, 2006

Compass Light

Since I have the compass binacle opened up, I figured I might as well replace the old incandescent compass light with an LED. Ritchie makes a replacement kit, but it costs $16 dollars + shipping, which seems like a lot to pay for a couple of LEDs and a resistor.

So, I went to Radio Shack, and bought two LEDs for $2.00 (which is exorbitant), a a package of 560 Ohm resistors for 99 cents, and a small perf board for $2.00. First I cut the perf board to shape and drilled mounting holes which will use the same holes as the old light. I mounted the LEDs, and one resistor on the perf board. Then I wired the LEDs and the resistor in series. I tested it with 12v, and it works great. I put it next to the compass and turned out the lights. Ooooh, pretty. And it only draws 18 mA!

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