Thursday, January 12, 2006


I went looking for mineral oil last night. First I went to the hardware store, but they had just discontinued carrying it. Then I went to the local CVS. They had it, but it was about the same viscosity that I found in the grocery store. (BTW, I found out the medicinal purpose of mineral oil. It is used as a laxative. It's good to know that we will have a lifetime supply on board, stored conveniently in the compass).

So, I caved in and bought "official" compass oil from an online site. Cost: $30.00/gal. I don't need a full gallon (I need 66 oz.), but a half gallon wouldn't be quite enough. I'll have plenty to spare for refills down the road. At this point, my total repair cost is $100, including the cost of the oil that was too thick.

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