Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Mast is Out

Last Wednesday, Bryan and I took Silence around to Jabin's to unstep the mast. We had already unhooked all the electrical connections at the base of the mast. The guys from Chesapeake Rigging did a very professional job of unrigging all the standing rigging and preparing for the hoist. After about an hour of work, we were ready, so we spun the boat around and brought it up close to the bulkhead. The crane was brought up to the edge and stabilized, then one of the riggers rode the crane up to the spreaders. A sturdy strap was wrapped around the mast, just above the spreader and secured against slipping by running a line down to the winches near the deck. Once the crane was ready, the forestay and shrouds were released, and crane lifted the mast out easily. The mast is lying in the yard now, awaiting new paint.

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