Thursday, April 26, 2007

Meeting Sir Knox-Johnston

A couple of weekends ago, I went to Norfolk to see the racers in town for the Velux 5 Oceans solo around-the-world race. The rain held off and I was fortunate enough to meet Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on the dock. I offered my congratulations on his race, and he told me "I don't deserve any congratulations, I'm not winning the thing!". (He's in 4th place at the moment.) I asked him if he thought he could make up the time on the 3rd place boat, and he said he thought it would be tough. I checked today, however, and he is roughly 12 hours ahead, so he needs to put more distance between him and his competitor if he hopes to beat him out for 3rd.

I also briefly met Koji Suraishi, in second place. It was great to see the skippers and their boats. Best of luck to all of them in the third, and final leg, back to Spain.

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