Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Greetings Family and Friends,
Tonight I was able to make contact with Indian Summer.  I could hear Emerson and he could here me.  So here is the scoop.  They are currently 34degrees N and 71 degrees W.  They are approximately at the half way point. If all goes according to plan, they will enter the Bay on Friday afternoon.  They reported that they will arrive back at Indian Summer's slip sometime on Saturday.  All is going very well except they are motoring.  Emerson said that a very large cruise ship passed pretty close to them so the guys decided to call them on the radio to find out their destination.  It turns out they were returning from Bermuda and heading home to Baltimore.  These kind of events are very exciting when you are out in the ocean without any visual stimulation for days!  I guess that exchange gave them lots to talk about.  That is about all from Indian Summer tonight.  I will make one more attempt on Thursday night so stay tuned.
PS Denise, could you please contact Dale if you are monitoring the blog? 703- 615-1091

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Following along- sounds exciting.

Bermuda triangle? Are they going through it?