Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Hand Priming Pump

Last season I had some problems with the engine fuel supply losing its prime, and the fuel flows back from the filter to the fuel tank when the engine is off. It's not a big problem if I remember to turn the fuel valve off each time I stop the engine, but if I forget, then I have to re-prime the system. I have suspected that I might have an air leak in the hand priming pump, and this week I noticed some fuel leaking around the pump diaphragm. So, today, I replaced the hand pump and I'm crossing my fingers that this solves the problem. I'll know in a few days...

You're all probably tired of seeing engine projects, and this will be the last one for a bit. This work is all part of being ready to sail, so for me it's part of the zen of the process. I hope to post some actual sailing soon!

Update: replacing the priming pump didn't fix the priming issue, so I have more investigating to do.

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